Monday, April 20, 2009

Current Gay Wrestlers

home and San Francisco, day 2 ...

As you can see in the picture up here, we're not wasting time. Despite the obvious Samson under the eyes to both, we climbed a lot today, at the gym of course. Although the picture does not appear, I swear it was pulling more than Fabio '! Let me tell you.

The journey of the past and 'get away. Clear that almost 15 hours between planes and airports are being felt, but 'we were lucky enough to find travel companions curious with which to chat. Landed in San Francisco, a little 'stunned for the time, there has been surprised by the weather: you almost reach 30C, warm breeze and steady. It's fine, just need get used to the sudden change of season.

We settle in the hostel, great, nice (perhaps the best place I've been) a lot of girls think we are the only males, and we do not know why '. However, the structure and 'vintage, perfectly kept, clean, with a fantastic kitchen (induction hobs, work benches made of laminated wood), everything looks new.

nap and patrol the area. Dinner by real maricones on Pier 1, tacos with meat for both. You return to Mason Street, where the hostel is by taking the cable car, the typical cable cars of San Francisco: fun being on the platform attached to the lower pole while the tram is moving in the streets. We pass to a nightclub and we are both appalled by the customers. All boys around 20 years, micro tank tops, embracing and kissing in two, or three small groups.

Ok, we knew that San Francisco was the capital of homosexuality 'American and perhaps the world, but' a scene so 'do not the wait, especially for the age' of the protagonists. In any case, nothing bad, just takes some getting used to the idea.

We sleep in taste. Up at 3:30, when our hypothalamus decides it 'time to wake up. I can get my sleep until 6:30. Fabio is more 'hard work with his riaddormentera and not 'more'.

Hearty breakfast (only butter and jam: we were expecting bacon and eggs!) Included in the price of the bed, then we go to rent a bike, with which we plan to move to the next day. Go through downtown, and Fishermann Rushian Hill Wharf. The districts are characteristic, with its low houses and colorful, wide roads and in all ups and downs. And up and down: after climbing a few hills are now trying to avoid them, run around, 'cause at the end of day so the hills are from 100 thousand meters of altitude, and feel.

The bikes are performative city bike with a fork. Load backpack on the rack with the material to break both climbing and bungee cords immediately. We'll keep it on the back for the rest of the day. To get to the gym that we have chosen to cross the city 'from north to south. It 'Monday', but there is no 'traffic. People and 'quiet, you see many people jogging, skating that. It seems that they are all on vacation. You can tell 'cause in the States of California and' seen as a happy island for holidays and relaxed life.

reach with some difficulty 'gym. We are required to demonstrate that they are able to tie knots and make sure, passed the exam with flying colors. The gym 'gigantic, the most' great to have ever seen. Walls of 10/12 feet, arches, overhangs and slabs, Bulder area that looks like a maze. Hundreds of paths laid, of all grades. We begin by cautious 5.9 (do not know the American degrees), then increased to 5.10a, b, c, d and finally 5.11a. And there 'we stop. At least now we found out what 's our level in American gyms. There remains the (big) question of how to grade environment.
Let's take a break to eat a taco truck in front of the gym, here I speak English with the "cook" and that 'Mexican: we are both in trouble' with the English. Then start over with a few long road, abdominal and shower.
You go to the sea by passing the baseball stadium, is closed. Everything clean and tidy, has nothing to do anything with our stadiums. Do you see (or rather, I know) two photovoltaic plants in the stands and on a bus shelter in front. Around the corner is' the port with thousands of sailboats. We stop to drink at a fountain.
We get to REI store of material to be climbing. We buy friends, nuts, carabiners, and other accessories that cost much more in Italy 'here. Satisfied we go back in hostel. We sleep a little 'and go to the grocery store in superbiologico. The result is' that to make us a pasta with tuna and two fillets with mustard spend 35 €. Pero 'Good. And it 'fun to be looked at with curiosity' from all avventrici hostel you eat Chinese food bowls (What is that? Mmm, smells good ...).
Now I'm ready to go to sleep, I hope for a whole night. Fabio was already asleep ': his hypothalamus and perhaps now' But first synchronized with the Sun 'a couple of thoughts.
1) for now we can not confirm the cliché that Americans see fat and lazy. Here are a lot of people are moving in every way and really fat people you have never seen it around.
2) there are no Hummer, one sees many more 'on the streets of Brescia in San Fran. There are many hybrid cars like Toyota Prius, but also many others in Europe do not exist. Just pick up some hypertrophic.
3) tomorrow we go to the beach 'cause I'm very tired!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hayete Meaning Lebanese

and go! Untitled

between 30 seconds to go and take the train. I feel light!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Madd Gear Pro Wheels Metal Core

Caronte has Varsavia

Among ghetto.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Pokemon Heart Gold Pokemon Sheet

I realized that I have more pictures. For too long, I stopped to photograph, and so I am not material to illustrate my thoughts. It 'a shame, I like to photograph, and then try to start over. And it's an excuse to go for a stroll, day or night, without a goal, following geometric patterns, lights, pictures, looking for the right perspective to represent a part of the city. Or life.

's post tonight I have grown. I found a number of ideas I've collected and kept by the children as they do with the colored pebbles in the sea, and I thought they were really good together, I could arrange for the readers (and me) a nice trip, almost dream. I would talk about spring, the desire to do and the desire to be idle. I would talk about rain and sun, cold, snow and sand. The mountains and the sea. Instead, today I got a surprise. Of the real ones. Of those stop you in your thoughts.

I'm full of happiness, feeling great and intimate. That's good. So it all makes sense. Our suffering, despair, the cold dark months and now they have a reason: the point of view goes away and all this becomes just a detail of a painting big and colorful. Of life going on, challenging and surprising.

I can not write more, I could not have the discretion and sensitivity to tell my feelings without making sense of what it is. And I'm crying.

I'll be there forever.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Stetson 22kt Gold China Set

Iron And

This photo is of Lu Wei, a friend who lives in Beijing and with whom I shared the crazy and unforgettable days during the last trip to China.

Iron is a strange material. It 'an important raw material. It 's the basis of virtually all the machines that man has conceived. Yet, by itself, does not serve anything at all. It rusts in contact with air, it is not tough, not hard, does not take the wire. Alone is useless.

But just add a bit of carbon, a small percentage by weight, and is transformed into steel. Still rusty, but the most interesting mechanical properties. And even if you add chromium, nickel, molybdenum, vanadium, copper, lead, ... we obtain steels with amazing properties, which can withstand heavy loads, or chemical attack very powerful. And the steel technology is still evolving, constantly creating new families by the features even better.

Why this preamble metal? Why Yesterday I was at the Museum of Iron, in fact. It was so long that I wanted to go there and, thanks to an alert on a person who knows me well, I was able to attend the inauguration of the museum after restoration, together with my grandfather.

The old building in San Bartolomeo has been completely renovated, bringing efficiency in the hammer, forge fueled by trome idroeoliche (you know what is this?) And the water wheel to produce electricity. The inauguration was attended by many personalities more or less known of the jet set Brescia professors, political, religious, industrial. My impression is that very few people would be there for the museum or iron. Many were because thing were there, or be seen, or to meet those who were there to be seen. I was there because it was an opportunity to establish a link with the past, with those who have lived in these areas before me, laying with their own ingenuity, then the foundations of an economy that has turned into one of the most Brescia shining technology industry. And all this without any nuance or celebratory mythicized are just fascinated by human ingenuity, in all its forms, despite being well aware of the limits that the pattern of development set in the early 900 was carrying. Limits with which perhaps we are just at this time to come to terms.

The museum is beautiful and interesting and Board all a visit takes only 15 minutes. But this is not what I would tell. What struck me most was my grandfather. Many have recognized Peter. A lot. The waiters catering, politicians, industrialists, journalists and photographers. And everyone had a greeting, a word, a pat on the back for him. What to look calm and serene as always, clear, just a little 'lost, sometimes acknowledged, and told a story many years ago, sometimes did not recognize or could not remember and only smiled.

I always knew that he had the good fortune of having a great grandfather, but every time I catch myself. A humble, gentle, but determined and safe, with few ideals, but such balances. Many people have told me that the museum has always been generous, even in difficulties, even when there was nothing for anyone. And he said, with gratitude and affection which went beyond the words that were in the looks they had for him. Yet its uniqueness lies not in what was or what he did. Who knows how many men born after the war and who have lived through reconstruction, fance maybe just the waiters like him have spent a lifetime comparable to his own adventures with more or less similar. What fascinates me and moves me is the ' humanity with which he always placed facing each other, whoever he was. His innate talent to speak to the hearts of people, sometimes even without words. The ability to establish immediate contacts deep and true, beyond any opinion or way of life and any social barrier. The fact of leaving a mark, almost a message, tap all with whom he had to do, for whatever reason, overcoming prejudice and going straight to the essence of man.

He, like me, like everyone else, is made of iron. But in his pasta also has many other noble elements and proportions right, and this makes him a special person. I hope that he has inherited some of its capabilities. I will certainly try to always have it in mind as a model and inspiration, trying to be a bit too 'special. To be not just an iron man.