Wednesday, August 19, 2009

From Pale And Brunette To Tan And Blonde

Berati, Ohrid

Alarm Belgrade

Alarm in Mavrovo


Uhhhh, that effort!

We arrived in Ohrid, Macedonia on town-namesake lake on the border with Albania-. With all the NL Nederlands, that only a small town 'Macedonian tourist can have (do you remember, right?). To get here we had a series of discrete events, but I would say that so far we have had only small mistakes (a sleepless night in Belgrade, some problems of digestion, muddy roads or dirt roads, the risk to remain dry. ..) We were prepared for much bigger problem! Now we will stop for

riodinare few days to rest and the memories that last few days have been a bit 'overlapping in the head. In hindsight it would have taken at least one week for each of the states we passed through. It 's not that we are running, only that we are tasting a lot of nice places, and we seem to always leave a little-too soon. And each time with a nostalgic and probably frustrated about going back in the future.

The fact 'that the trip should have the same running time of the trip by bicycle: the fact that it could move quickly and not' necessarily an advantage if the distance increases proportionally with the speed '. However, we became fast to attach and remove the tent, we make regular checks to our means (we have everything you need, including a liter of oil) and handle the bike like a scooter in the penetrations of the chaotic city 'Balkan.

Among the-other, here the majority of cars have Italian plate. Indeed, the Veneto. What everyone seems to have some piece of Italian family in the north east, and now they are all back for the holidays. This allowed us to chat with local characters. 'Cause if you do not speak Italian, here and' absolutely impossible to understand and be understood, it verbally, in writing it: even the Cyrillic alphabet, with its fake-affinity with the Roman alphabet and the enormous differences between letters uppercase and lowercase letters, and 'still a puzzle for us!

Pero 'too involved to create the feeling of being in places remote and exotic, beautiful and to explore. The choice of route, and 'was happy in this sense: Slovenia, Austria Balkans, clean, orderly, where many speak Italian, rapidly moving to Croatia, a little' more 'rude, but still related to the customs of Europe, through Serbia, the first real taste of the spirit of the Balkans, and then in Macedonia, first in the north, in the capital Skopje, big city 'from the ancient heart, that gently wakes you up at 5 am with the phrases sung by the mosques (unforgettable atmosphere), and now in the south, bitter and burnt by the sun, ready to jump into l-Albania.

Who knows 'how will'?


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