Sunday, October 17, 2010

What Takes Pvs Primer Off Of Vynol


Mostra immagine a dimensione intera
Even my blog joins the campaign to prevent breast cancer!
"How many of you know, October is the month

the prevention of breast cancer. And it is the month when the campaign reaches its climax nastrorosa.

For example, I remember that last year in Florence the main historical monuments were illuminated with beautiful beams of light pink. Why in October we dye all a bit 'more than pink ...

do not know if you remember, but last year the Polish bloggers had launched (or resumed, I do not know) this wonderful initiative of a "post pink for breast cancer prevention," which, among others, had been also posted by Alex (magnificent as always!). Here, I thought you could do such a thing ... All together.

We say that each of us has carte blanche.

This is to make membership possible to collect more (give me all the web dyed pink for a day for good cause).

may be a post

containing a recipe, a collage of recipes, a menu, a collage of any pictures, photos of flowers, ... And so on and so forth. The only two points

arrests should be pink (because of the famous pink ribbon) and a link to the campaign nastrorosa 2010. "

(I made a copy and paste from the blog of" one point leads to another ")


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