Saturday, January 15, 2011

Do You Get Stomach Pain With Glandular Fever


But how nasty smell that luck does not go as I come from? "I think there's always those who are worse in any situation I am not the thing that is comforting, but at least helps you to accept what happens to you when things do not go their direction. But now begins to be too! I'll tell you what I've just cursed this week: Monday my son wakes up with a fever, should be the season of evil. Tuesday just a little bit 'of pain throat is still ok if tomorrow so I wear to school. Wednesday Lollo perfect port to school I do some 'spending and make my way home the phone rings my brother in law what will? - Cynthia, where are you? - Unusual for this question? Him - Come home immediately Fabrizio has crept an eye with a wire and you have to take it to the emergency room-that's the thing begins to worry because if he says he wants to go to the emergency room ... ... .. In fact, came running home to find that the wire (do not read this if you are not strong enough) had not crawled the eye but it was just then stuck inside of the eye closest race who do not even want to see it but tells me to run to the nearest emergency room, arriving there he sees the eye doctor but can not do anything and send it (with my car) in a best-equipped hospital, we get the doctors had already been alerted, the operating room was ready, the visitors immediately consult with each other, and decree that the situation is more serious then what appeared to direct us to another hospital (again with the my car) where you can still best equipped and competent. We arrived after this long pilgrimage, we are told that the hospital on Thursday and will be operated. I'm going home destroyed (io! think of him) birth Thursday at 6.50 from home to the hospital, which is approximately 65 km arrival shortly before he is transported to the operating room waiting 1 hour and 20 and here he is back asleep again, I remain with him all the day and night. (It seems that the intervention has succeeded well, but only time you'll see.) Friday okay then I can go home! Noo I get in the car and this is not part of the battery is empty I go down I look around and realize that the rear tire on the ground, let us arm ourselves up Cinzia good will and change the tire, but I do not know where to begin to get their hands while two girls approach me and offer me their help gladly accepted Meanwhile, in the parking lot of men went but no one has bothered to help out the jack removed ... I realize that the stock is deflated ruta, never mind go to a gas station and I will do swell, but there remains the problem of the battery! So me and the girls who helped me try to help a male push pass a tall man and strong who better for this job? I approach and say - sorry could give me a push? He (not quite in those terms) - I call it electro-two angels who were still with me I thank them dall'elettrauto accompany the greeting and go back to the car park after this posting again. Well it remains to inflate rubber. arrival at the first dealer I think - I do gasoline and require the operator to inflate the tire, so I approached the pump is: - turn off the car! - I-I can not fail me again - and I begin to explain him - if I do not turn off I put the petrol! - I beg-I-(I already wanted to cry) He-I mean woman I do not want to breathe all this crap! Do not tell you the mandate to draw up and run away, the next nearest destination but my fear was that the rubber will not get there! However in the end I managed to get home. Saturday, give me now resign my love all happy birth (in the meantime other small scrapes on the practices for the accident) arrived in Fano and take my husband back home at last. He could end up like this? What do you mean my son is in the afternoon to lift the fever. And still missing a week to finish the day! Genesis says that God rested on Sunday I wonder if the sf .. to do the same?


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