Saturday, March 19, 2011

How Long Do Gaming Pcs Last


Hello! how are you?
's finally Saturday! this week, despite a day of celebration, has been eternally at work ... but luckily the weekend ... always comes at some point! : D

was a long time I wanted to keep a magazine rack in the living room ... so you can keep close to the latest issues of magazines that I take regularly (and there are many for them ....) see again and again every time I think of a doubt, or I want some more research on the project before going to work ...
Well ...
I found one to decorate ... and stocked in the same shop I also found a beautiful paper of decoupage TO DO .. country of course!
So in my mind began to take shape ... shabby first, then country!
Et voiltà!
not it beautiful?? I like it a lot and display in your living room! It is already chock full of newspapers ... but this ... is another story!
this is the central design as you can see that I left intact.
I just cut out hearts and flowers as a further embellishment

wetting the paper did not come out even a small bubble ... this time I'm so happy!

this is the back side.
The written originally surrounded the house of the central design, but of course I did not have enough room to leave everything as it was originally.
Even the bands that I used for the sides were actually part of one big reason

I think they are well here!
With regard to the base before I gave everything a coat of plaster. I have not sanded because I wanted the effect remained quite crude.
Then I used the brown sienna over the entire surface

I then left the inside of that color.
I waxed on some points and then I gave it a coat of Light Buttermilk.
Then you pass the sandpaper .. shabby and the effect is guaranteed!

here the edges: these are the places where we can see better!
What do you think?
I would want to buy any other country papers and decorate anything!!
nice weekend to all!

Ps I remind you that you can still subscribe to our blog candy! Fly now here if you have not yet participated!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

What Stores Sell World Of Warcraft Trading Cards


I'm here with the freedom
colored blue sky ...
and flight ...
with my love
warm light ...
and flight ...
with my heart
painting rainbows ..
and flight ...
with my dream
from the chrysalis of a long night ... and flight
hours at a time that belongs to me
...... here
seagull in the wind.

Trailer For Rigid Inflatable


In this day when we celebrate all our country I could not take the opportunity to make everyone HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
I am dedicated to crafting ... I'll show you to design with some in the coming days, meanwhile ...
today I show you the second part of the gift for Elena: apart Dulcinea, I wanted to give something 'more, more for his new country kitchen ...
say that far we have in mind to give her a Tilda stitchery ... but those who I found online did not fit well with a stitched ... Then one day I took a pencil and paper and tried to draw one of my own free ...
So, I am certainly not a great designer, but ... I make squiggles worthy of note, but nothing more ...
So I made a great effort, but I have put together a design that I liked enough to try to stitch it.
I sought advice from the Cow, the Owl messy and I finally decided ...

could obviously get a lot better, but for be one of my drawings I assure you that has already come, right!!
What do you think? Elena says that she loved him ... I really hope ...
I've also said that if she does not like can throw it and keep the frame!

always shabby, in shades of orange and gold, with the same or more or less, the colors of the new kitchen of Elena ....

not miss the flower!

could fail to eun cat in this picture? Elena has no animals, but in my little head Tai is omnipresent, then ....

say that I approached, even remotely style Tilda? I do not have any pretension of course, but there is no version of Tilda in the kitchen, right?? Someone should tell Tone!!

unfortunately I have not found an italic font that I liked and that was easily Stitcher ... so I used my handwriting ... that really nice is not, I realize it !!!!!

That's it for today!
If any of you want this embroidery design you can ask by mail: and I will send you back! provided that you deem sufficiently cute and Tildoso!
Good day to all!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How To Masterbate Viseos


Hello, how are you
? Still raining here today ... rains, the weather is gray and I a hard time waking up in the morning!!
But to topics more cheerful!
I too have been infected by pollomania that is sweeping the web!
has provided a tutorial to make the chickens, and how I could make me run away? plus it is really clear and well done, to test beginners like me!
here are my critters
Ulysses & Penelope and Lancelot & GENEVA
but they are not beautiful?? are carried out very quickly and are very effective, I assure you!
American cotton fabrics I chose the pink and blue, just to give birth to two sets very close-knit!

as you can see, each of them carries a floret of the fabric of the companion ....
romantic, no?

I fell in love ... and maybe I will others for Easter!

are really nice!

a nice close-up ....

an intimate moment ...

but not too much!
Penelope & Ulysses has already been transferred from a friend of mine ...
and Lancelot & Geneva rose to greet Garcia ...

curiously watching them ....
are really beautiful! I'd do a whole chicken!
Until next time,

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Streaming With English Subtitle


And slowly,
try to get out of the maze
and my moans,
your moans,
in an observation

lost and disoriented.

brings back
my light
cloaked in sentiment
my soul
your water
regenerates me
and your
radiant waves penetrate me,

I feel
come together
air blew into it,
and by your side
my mighty power
lost in your ocean.

Alfredo d 'Ecclesia
(from the collection Almost Love)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

T K Maxx Cinderella Dresses

In a dream, in the middle of the night,

the beam broke under my feet

and I rushed in the rushing river.

The beam was life, water the plant

of my people, the current

was the destruction. Why so much death?

anonymous poet Eritrean

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bloated Stomach And Umbilical Hernia

In all plans go slow

In all his plans



small and large lights,

not changing

elegance proclaimed

soul in love.


without distinction,


in a sky colored


these subtle

laws of love.


the primary form,

says its essence ...


flows upward.

(Alfred of Ecclesia)

Monday, February 14, 2011

How To Phrase Registered In Wedding Invites

must be slow as an old train to the countryside and peasant dressed in black, as if going to magically open up and see the world because the walk is leafing through a book and instead is looking to run only the cover .
must be slow, loving the stops to watch the progress made, to feel the fatigue as a melancholy comquistare limbs, envy of those who invent anarchy sweet one moment to the road.
must learn to stand on its own and wait in silence, every now and then be happy to have their hands in their pockets only.
go slow and respect the time, living with a few things of great value, with boredom and nostalgia, with the heart immense desires sealed and ready to explode or pointing toward the sky because a thousand narrow forbidden.
go slow and ruminating, imitate the look of infinite oxen, patiently waiting for the dogs, knowing how to fill the day with a sunset, bread and olive oil.
Going slow means having a large wardrobe of dreams, with great stories for little travelers ...
going slow is the flosofare of all, living at another speed, closer to the beginning and at the ends, where you experience the world's largest ...
means go slow to fall without getting hurt, do not drown in the emotions manufacturers, but be faithful to all the senses, taste the earth with the body that we are experiencing ...
go slow means to thank the world, filling to do with it ...
(From Thought Meridian Franco Cassano)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Good Flying Defense For Blue Deck Mtg


Damn cold I can not breathe! Fortunately, the fever lasted only one day. 'S only advantage of this situation is that I do not like too much food and it is really positive because they are struggling with a ski suit that this year' s close was its overly ............ ........ or maybe I exaggerated that I was flooded? It is more likely to be the latter! I know that over the diet I should do a little 'motion but the needle attracts me much more than any sport (skiing aside, however, that I can practice only one week a year). How can you resist those curtains reticello not claim to have fallen (and I have every reason) Then there are new techniques to learn and ... you can not go to school without having done the embroidery tasks (as I became diligent, to think that my mother has always been desperate because I did not ever want to study! changes that you make in life!) These photos are for triptych with the technique of the old point that I have in my room and is one of my first jobs you like? When the curtains will have their satisfaction, that will be finished I'll show you I do not know how much time will pass. For the moment I am very committed to losing weight!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Foil Heart Cake Pan Dallas Texas

Marquez's will

If God were to forget for a moment that is a puppet of rags and

give me a slice of life, probably would not say everything I think,

but, ultimately would remain of all this I say. I would value

things, not for what they are worth but for what they mean.

sleep little, I would run most of the voice, I understand now that for every

minute we close our eyes we lose sixty seconds of light.

continue where others stop, I would raise when others are asleep.

listen when others talk, and how to enjoy a good ice cream

If God treats a piece of life, dress simply, I

throw in the sun, exposing not only my body but also

my soul. My God, if I had a heart, write my hate on

ice, and wait until the sun disappears.

Drawing with a dream of Van Gogh on the stars a poem by Benedetti, and

a Serrat song would be the serenade I'd offer to the moon.
Sprinkle with my tears the roses, to feel the pain of their

thorns, and red kiss of their petals ...
My God, if I had a slice of life .... I would not let go even a

moment without telling people that I love, I love her.
convince each woman or man who are my favorites and I would live in love

Men show how they are wrong: stop falling in love when

age, not knowing that age when they stop falling in love.

To a child I would give wings, but let him learn to fly alone. In the old

teach them that death does not come with old age but with forgetting.

So many things I learned from you people ...

I learned that everyone wants to live on top of the mountain,

without knowing that true happiness is the way to climb the slope.
I learned that when a newborn baby holds, with its small

fist, for the first time, the finger of his father, it takes forever.

I learned that one man has the right to look to another to the

down, when he has to help rise.
There are many things I could learn from you, but in the end

serve to much, because when you look into this backpack,

unfortunately I'll be dying.

Friday, February 4, 2011

What To Put In Shampoo For Pranka

A Winter's Night

The storm the house rests his mouth and blows
to emit a sound.
restless sleep, I turn, I read the text of the storm

But the child's eyes are wide open in the dark and the storm
moans for him.
both love the swinging lamps.
Both are halfway to the language.

The storm childish hands and wings.
The caravan was launched to Lapland.
And the house feels its constellation of nails
holding together the walls.

The night is still on our floor
(where all the steps muffled
rest sunk like leaves in a pond) but
raging night out!

The world is passing a more severe storm.
rests his soul to his mouth and blows
to emit a sound - we fear that the storm blowing
us empty.

Tomas Tranströmer

Monday, January 31, 2011

Fastest Boot Antivirus


Hello to all here that starts another week that I expect will be very full (and when accidents happen that when you get bored!) This morning before the 'dawn I have ironed out (very bad) this pair of linen towels that I've finished stitching just last week what do you think? I find it very sunny. This type of embroidery is fast enough to make and also quite simple in fact consists of stem stitch, knot stitches, daisy point. steam point and the 'only thing that can be more tricky is the rhodes that fills the small hearts.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Can Raw Cocoa Cure Graves Disease

philosophy Evening November 2010

As long as you do not practice daily what you believe is not possible to determine if you are on the right path.
If I live in practicing your positive means that there is a real similarity between you and what they say they believe.
For this you must always be true to myself and above all honest in front of their intentions.
There are many truths, many amazing and incredible things to be discovered through the practice of spiritual growth, but each step forward can be sterile if it is supported by constant practice to simplicity of life.
Life is a tool to achieve its objective intimate, we know the first goal if we analyze what we are.
Master teaches us that no one can change you, no one can give or take away something. In you is everything.
to this Truth you come first, starting by giving value to every single moment, every single action that we decide to do.
Man came not one who makes a display of great powers, but one who, despite having gained great powers, He lives his life simply willing to be helpful to others, maintaining the balance 'balance.
arrive and the man who never stops, Make every Here and Now, and every here and now lives in the totality of Being.
A great goals are reached through many small steps.

(Samgha Theravada Buddhist philosophy

via Born 5, Sirtori (LC) tel. 349/3692125 )

Friday, January 28, 2011

Closet With Curtins As A Door

And all together, all voices,

all goals, all desires,

all the pain, t. .. Utta joy, all the good and evil,

all together was the world.

All along the river was becoming,

was the music of life.

(Hermann Hesse - "Siddhartha")