Tuesday, August 26, 2008

How To Write Bacheloret Cards

day -1, day 36

double-checking the running count of days I noticed a serious mistake: the last post I think it was written in 33 days, not 32, and now and then 'the day 36. I think. I had to make notches somewhere better to count the days ...

Here the situation 'serious: we have serious problems dealing with dates and times, and so far we managed to catch buses and planes relying exclusively on the position of the sun and every time with advances coming sensational! We have a valuable watch-altimeter sounded every morning at 9, but is promptly ignored ... but then wake up in panic for fear of losing connections, transportation, appointments ...

So the return to civilization 'has been quite traumatic. Prior to dinner, Italian pizzeria. "Two large pizzas and a cerveza." The waiter, rubbed his eyes: "But are you sure? Two pizzas are 16 servings." Us: "Yes, exactly. It's fast!". You know Bud Spencer and Terence Hill in one of their meals that are passed in the history of cinema? Here, we do not know who might be the one and whoever else, but the scene was like that. We brushed the two boards, along with 2 liters of beer and in the end we also asked for dessert. And I was still a little hungry ...

Then keep in mind that we both have a beard of more 'than a month. Me and 'the great sage type, the type of Damiano elf of the woods. And we wear the same clothes Since more 'than 15 days. I especially wearing the same shirt (that of gravity 'zero) for weeks to ride that is for sleeping. I have two sweaters and one pair of long pants that I never washed ... 's nice to see the many spots and try to associate each of them an event: a breakfast, an evening spent lubricating bike, a fall in the dust ...

And now it's all about to end. I felt a bit 'uneasy ... and so 'we had a washing machine, and now the clothes should be dry. I do not know how will react 'my body by wearing something that has my smell ... now I'm going to take a shower and then I dress. We will know how to 'say.

But no beard, that does not cut it!

Greetings to all,


Friday, August 22, 2008

Exchanging Of Rings Wording Non Religious

Argentina, Argentina

Stock Photo: This is us on arrival sull'Abra de Condor, 4100m (remember?). I sent the photos an Argentine who was there with his company.

After a long absence we're back to one of the latest episodes of our trip in the Andes. We parked the bikes. Definitely. The odometer says 1519. To play the lottery when I get back. Sorry for the delay, but the last few days have been surprisingly solid, despite a Cachi atmosphere is relaxed and calm. We had to think about that and that riding ...

This post will 'inevitably a bit' "psychological". Damien tells me that this post is often a heavy and tedious, and therefore short. Since, however, 'In short I am not easy, I' to enter some personal stories and action that makes it a bit 'more' smooth reading. And you go.

events have made it 'several days have elapsed from the previous post. Days filled with things done and views of events, people ... and of course lots of km cycled under the most 'different. I bike, I often thought about the blog. Think about who reads and comments, and so 'it becomes a bit' player. I was thinking 'cause sometimes I feel the need to write something. And much more. So many questions, and maybe some answers.

From Cachi we headed to Molinos. Stage that had to be simple, but there has nevertheless engaged in more 'of 60km of dirt road, with a step-by-2400m. Molinos and 'a microscopic town (all concentrated in 9 Cuadras ), absolutely non-potable water (they say the presence of saltpeter), a school and a church. And a hotel that seems taken directly from the Tuscan hills and that makes me want to go back to these parts with a different company ... Not that Damian is not good ... but from now on we have seen so many resorts, cottages, rural hotels, with rows of poplars absurdly Family so nice to make me want to spend a few days ... without pedaling!

We were approached by Ramon, a professor and would-be cyclist, who is preparing for a trip and that 'a smaller version of our own. Supportive exchange of information: we will tell the last stages, he directs us to a place for the night, and we recommend a place in Tucuman.

One of the titles of this post might have been "departures and returns." In the two days in Cachi, I had the distinct feeling of gliding. Slipping on the branch of a parabola (or a hyperbole?). Like any journey, this one had its apex, or perigee, which for us and 'state of the Abra ACAYA. Attributed to point envi great symbolic value, knowing that I could not expect anything more than 'a pile of stones with a breathtaking view. I thought the effort, time and energies devoted to get here. Gradually I realized what it meant but really . The value assumed in the 5000m during the transition from what was given 'that there' was before and what 'that there will be' later. It 'was a watershed between the departure and return. On the one hand, the shift away from everything 'I had that I knew, from what' will not endure 'and what' that had justified my existence on this planet so far (and I quote someone). On the other everything 'waiting for me to return, and what 'that sciegliero' to place in my life from now on. And in the middle of a point-to-gravity 'zero (actually' gravely 'equal and opposite to the centripetal force ...) where you can embark on mental exercises free of restrictions and formal logic, and flights of fancy soar in evolution, made possible only by special ocnidizioni of this situation.

At all stages in the Valles Cachaquies , we have more and more 'become aware that everything was ending. And I started thinking about home. I have a little abundant nostalgia, a celebration of all that 'I love Italy and Brescia and what' I lack. And some things Damiano gave me a hand.

For example, the food ... Unfortunately, the Puna, in terms of food and wine and 'a very poor place. We went on to grilled chicken, Milanese and Neapolitan for days, rejoicing when he was a soup with quinoa. Knorr clear bags in a tent. Scacalando dell'Infernillo the Abra, one of the last steps, we decided not to bring food with us. We were a bit 'disgusted by pork products (sausage only) and local cheese. And, with the pangs of hunger, we made a list of what 'we want to eat just returned. We were unable to give a priority ', but in praatica we compiled a list of all the typical dishes of the province of Brescia and its surroundings. I miss the simplicity 'of Italian cuisine, with its ingredients genuine and carefully chosen. I miss vegetables other than tomatoes and salad. I miss the pasta and beans. The polenta. The sausage with the pure 'and lentils. Pasta with tomato sauce. Spare ribs with cabbage. The beans with sage. The risotto with gorgonzola and Salamis. Polenta Carbonera. And much more, from the first to the sweets ...

I thought the people that I miss. I thought about the things that I will have 'to do, to restart a life a bit' different from the previous year. I thought about my future home, which must 'soon take a concrete form walls, floors and roof with ... I thought the bike: I miss it! I thought of the work projects, and I have had a couple of ideas, as I expected. And all without anxiety, without worries, without coercion, with the serene knowledge that I will have 'to pull up our sleeves to achieve some goal and now I' more 'clear. I'm happy. To get the Abra

Infernillo from Molinos, we addressed two stages. The first and '113km of dirt road was sandy, with uphill and downhill Uun cmulato elevation gain of 800m. We actually 'made a mistake on the route they had to be two stages, mainly because of the sandy bottom that forces at times to push the bike. We could somehow recover the lost days. Pero 'to the professor Molinos rider, Ramon, told us: "It' s impossible to reach Cafayate in one day." And so 'we had to do it. Understand? We left after breakfast by Manolo, a professor of Mico. It was already 'late. At 15 avevavmo done 40km and we stopped for lunch. 73 were missing. In the following has helped us so much the magical setting where we were. Rocks smoothed by the wind in a thousand different forms. Sharp needle. The road looks like a slide that drops into a scene of papier mache. Do not believe it. With the setting sun the fascinating play of light and shadow and force you to make photographs. I wish everyone could enjoy this place, but I know that the photos will not serve much purpose. However I am more 'than 700 so far. We arrive at 15km from Cagayate e. .. we find the asphalt! We do not know, but do not ride nearly over 'in the dirt. However, we go to Cafayate, which are the 21, after having cycled for one hour and a half with the front and red lights lit on the bags.

The impression 'have arrived in Las Vegas. Neon billboards, lots of restaurants, hotels, at least along the main road. We sling the first rent rooms there, a shower to remove the layer of dust off (I have not tanned calves for the shielding effect of the dust!). And we treat ourselves to a gourmet dinner: I take a "pizza" appetizer of trout and (typical of these parts). Let out a bottle of Malbec from 15 º and the world smiles. We have the impression that it has made a great achievement (compared to our forces).

The next day we visit Santiago, a friend of Mariano, a boy of our age 'and with three brothers' young Utama operates a farm where they produce wine (very good in my opinion) work and ceramics. We speak on the situation of interesting field in Argentina. It 'nice to talk with someone who lives in a way so different from that to which they are accustomed. And it 's always a shame not to master the language better, to be able to push a little' more 'in depth' in speech. We'll stay with him until 3 in the afternoon, when leaving for Amaicha del Valle.

Another title of this post would be "travel options." In recent days, crossing the city more diverse and contrasting environments so as to appear to belong to pieneti different, I thought about my travels. I thought I made the trip, finding strange similarities to places already 'seen: as an Andean town can look to Scandinavia? Or why 'never a tropical valley should remember the high Valtrompia? And I thought I could do to the thousands of trips around the world, drawing inspiration from, and little details, hidden by prods along the way, they awaken the interest and curiosity '. And so 'now I think of many destinations, new or old, but with new reasons in support. The stage for

Amaicha 'has been easier: all asphalt, only the last few kilometers uphill. Taking forward for some pictures. I find a wall with a sign that welcomes in the country. E ' up little more 'than 3 meters. I climb it. They are almost on top of mud and brick wall come off a long time, I have left in your hand. I fall into ruin and the piece of wall fell on me head. Budget: a bit 'of bruises and a sore wrist, which does not prevent me from riding, but pretty annoying. I'm wearing a wrist strap and put ointment twice per day. Ben is me.

Amaicha 'nothing special. Pero 'just outside the town a fascinating museum to Pachamama (Mother Earth), built entirely by a self-styled heir to the local culutra (in reality' is notorious as we quickly brought the epidemic to extinction all communities' indigenous, after 'arrival of the Spaniards). All 'built with white and black rocks, using for each particular (the gates to the floor) the reasons ground water, air and fire characteristic of the cultures of the Valles Qualanchies. There are also carpets, qaudri, sculptures, all made by Hector Cruz. When I return I will find out a little 'better of him, it seems that it is also well known in Europe.

is here part of the Abra Infernillo. We climb relaxed, and, like I 'said, speaking of food, a prey to hunger pangs. 1100m in altitude, maximum altitude 3100m. Trifles, we think. Well, I mean ...

From the top of the pass we discover that the other side of the valley and 'deep in cloudy. We have 25 km of descent to be suffering unexpected. The temperature changes rapidly from 15 º to 3 º. And it is not can 'stop and' late. You do not see anything. The vegetation becomes familiar: pine trees without leaves. We go down without being able more 'to move the fingers, legs freezing (wearing shorts). We stop at a bakery in the country at the beginning of Tafi that it will prove 'the milgiore the world (to our eyes, at least!). There 'addirituttura a wood stove. We go that we can not even more 'to talk! Take almost an hour to resume a normal temperature, two slices of cake and you head to help us.

Dormimao in a traditional style and the next day take on the last stage. 100km of asphalt under a shower and that 'more' fog will condense. Bend ourselves to 1600m in 35 km in a beautiful valley. The most 'high points of our mountain valleys. While we are at the bottom in the tropical jungle. We come finally to the pampas of Argentina. Degraded villages. Shops closed, is not to eat. Here we see that the crack of the 90 had obvious effects acora. We go in Tucuman with a sunset on the gray head. We dive into the hectic traffic. Bike heavy and unwieldy. Map small print. Guido and I miraculously come to the place to sleep without too many hitches. Get off the bike for the last time and we drink a bottle of wine that has given us Utama Cafayate Santiago.

toast to this trip and the upcoming trips. We are conscious of having done a beautiful thing, to be given away at each other something that only we could give us. To arrange it, do not reveal here, for the next cycling adventure. Why 'this is certain: there will be' another trip with this style!

But now ... and now we 'felt like to organize something a bit more' comfortable ... perhaps to deal with a company a less restricted ... maybe moving ... we'll see, the road 'still long!

I will make you 'know how to spend my last 15 days of vacation. I already have 'lots of ideas and a few contacts.



Sunday, August 17, 2008

How Do Frankincese Use

day 32, day x +3 (x = 23) days x

Abstract: this photo and 'was chosen almost at random. The camera has flat batteries and there was a download function so only one photo in less than 2 seconds. However, we are Diamono and I (a bit 'tested?) Sull'Abra of ACAYA. There was no one to make us the pictures ...


We Cachi. This 'means that we have "defeated" the ACAYA of Abra, the step "driveway" (quotation marks are obligatory) more' top of South America.

As we learned at our expense, from the beginning of this journey, those are not the numbers that define the difficulty ', it' the satisfaction of the stage. So our feelings have not changed from the cartel on the pass says "only" 4895m, while our altimeter from 'Wikipedia says 4966m and 5061m.

We started early, consistent with the fact that the Sun rises at 8:30 and that before this time the temperature and 'violently bajo zero. The first 15 km of sandy ground with ups and downs have allowed us to assess panoramically traveled all the way in the last stage. Peering were cycling on the left, towards the north, the Salinas Grandes, a white tongue horizon, 60km away, thinly veiled by clouds of humidity 'leggemente moved by the wind. Magical landscape that epitomized the essence of our eyes puna, the plateau. We knew that was the last image that we would stay in this place, 'cause, as well as the abra, we dropped below 3000m, where a straight-back distances, spaces, the size of the elements are also conceivable by the mind of people who were not born on the mountain range.

I'll try 'to tell in pictures what we have experienced, I hope you enjoy some' you too our satisfaction and happiness'.

just left the road to Salta and then take the Ruta 40, we see three dots horizon. There may be a 10km or 50km, we are now aware of how the environment cancel each perspective, taking away the ability 'to judge distances.

"I bike? "" No, I am a bike. "pastors who will go down to S. Antonio. "" But it seems to have a secondary home. "" No, they're too big. "" But ... "

After half an hour we meet with a Japanese family. Mom, Dad 'loaded like a mule with 4 Bags Dick, daughter of the 12 years, and download mtb argentina flag in the wind. barely speak a word of English and English. Enough to tell who left six months ago from Ushuaia, and have just spent the night in tents after have gotten off the pace. We are pleased to have found someone on a bike on our street (and 'only the second time this has happened!), but also disbelief. The girl should not study and how's and' got the idea from Japan to come here? And finally: How did they do?

The next night we reply that has been made to bring in a jeep on top of the pass and are just a fallen bike. But the question that we have really done is ...

Come on.

stretch of sand. If you are 2cm goes. 5 If they are it is hard. But when I'm 15, the rear wheel is going down '. And then goes on foot! With the wind always against. Right that we have so far met with a couple of times a favorable wind, but at least 10 sections of headwind. We found the wind from the north, south and west. Always against. There are still headed east, but I trust that when we do we will also find the wind from the east!

sections of ice. Suggestive the lava encrusted blue opalescent yellowish grass. Ice even on the road with care and balance goes too.

Incredible blacks grim mules grazing at 4500m altitude: Who brought them here? Perhaps because of the altitude acostumbrarli ? Some vicuna which seems a bit 'quiet and curious than we found on the plateau. More

'go up and more' wind 'strong and steady. In the second last bend to 4800m now we have the wind in your face. We can not estimate the rate ', but prevents us from riding. It goes on foot, a breath for every step. Last laps, wind. And so 'we can get a decent pace in the saddle! And this

Sometimes there is' no cheering us or photographs. Only Damiano, I, the bikes, the image of the Madonna (not because''we had the visions, there was a santella ...) and all the puna behind us.

We are physically tired, and after nearly seven hours of cycling, aware that we do not have more 'time. Up to one hour of sun, then 90 minutes before total darkness. And we must get at least 1000m non gelarci your ass last night in a tent.

So we dress up with almost everything we have and we literally throw in the descent on the south side (here and 'what shade). The thermometer says 15 ° C on the northern slope, +3 º C on the south side, high wind and downhill. It's cold. The

descent and 'beautiful, in a valley and' almost a gorge, the road in a thousand coils, which turns on itself in the midst of multi-colored rocks. Vegetation different from the other side, it seems more 'harsh, but more' green. Landslides, bad background, stones that move. Low light, and everything behind. Impossible to assess the obstacles. If holes now ... better not to think ... Lama grazing, what happened here, and their fleece 'apparently more' often than in the Plateau? Again, better not think about it ...

a hut at 4100m shepherds. As usual, mud-brick, thatched roof. Well I pitched my tent here. A dog barks and growls, but there 'no. We look at the dog in the eye and he understands: "caiiii caiiiii ... ..." We enter in the hut.

legs of the blade and dried meat hanging by a thread. Sweet smell of blood. Piles of fleece sheared edge. Pots smoke from the fire. Tableware. Little space, just for two sleeping bags.

"What do we do?" "We get a little ', go!"

go down to the next hut, 3900m. Now it gets dark. Even more 'smaller than the last, but not parts of animals hung on the head. Pitch your tent in some way inside the hut, we throw all that 'we have and we tucked into sleeping bags, so' as we are. We just wake up in the middle of the night to enjoy some tea, do not eat this morning, but stenchezza (and various gastro-intestinal problems that plague both from all day) have the better.

The night will be 'very hot and surprisingly, I take away' even your jacket and gloves!

In the morning you more, with a bunch of biscuits: it seems that the stomachs get better and hunger increases! Difficult to restore order in the chaos that we created yesterday, but little more 'than an hour we were again ready. Let's go, always downhill, and cross two deep fords running his bike with each other on outcropping rocks. If we had to do it last night ... again, better not think about it!

Valley and 'always fantastic. Think of having to ride for less than 60km downhill, and we are excited. We'll find out too late that are 84 km and are not exactly all downhill!

The valley changes, with decreasing altitude. The vegetation becomes more 'green. The valley widens. You can see the willows in corrsipondenza pueblitos of pastors. Idyllic scenery, the valley seems an earthly paradise, and not 'just the contrast with the arid lands from which we come. Inspire peace primitive and timeless. And, finally, and 'a sweet spot. Where to sleep even under a tree (even if it is still a bit 'chilly ...). A river will make it transparent 'company all day, passing the canyon, cross the bridges and we bathe in its water. We stopped to eat at a small shrine excavated in the red rock. We have not met anyone. The wind 'for it. Everything is fine.

There seems to be on the set of the best films wester. Same red rocks, the same horizontal grooves, the same ranks of candelabra cactus.

hole gum at a small school, which is' closed for winter holidays. A lady (maybe a teacher?) And some children, curious, show me where to fill the bottle and slowly make my repairs (and 'the 7 th time). Damiano says.

La Poma appears like a mirage: the small village of white houses with green plants (now look like the beginning of the trip looked catus!). I chase

Damiano, flight. Behind the curve I see him on the straight in front of me. I may have already 'filled the gap? Take 'almost another hour to affaincarlo. Again: here the distances are conceivable. That straight will prove 'almost 15km long.

Payogasta overcome and there seems to be in Franciacorta. Wine road, well kept farms, made of mud, but with colonnades (!!!). Climbers that decorate the entrance of the houses. The very presence of embellishments and 'a new element: "Life here is obviously' more 'sweet, as to allow people even to think about beauty. Flower beds with real grass, watered regularly. Green. Strikes us as seeing a blue spot in a forest in our country.

green parrot to sotrmi, clucking, they get up in the air as we passed. The setting sun.

Damiano hole. 8 th time. There are only 3 km. Ugh. It was a plug 2mm long and wide as a human hair. But that is enough. Repaired the tire we make our entrance to the Cache.

The City 'hits us. Get our eyes, accustomed to dusty villages with mud houses and ruined ... cobbled alleys here, with tall trees, green lawns, white facades ... another world!

And at night? Lighting with halogen lamps, light yellow wrap. There even seems to beam with respect to the pitch dark of the settlements on the puna. How nice!

sleep in an inn with rooms that overlook a patio, where hangs a huge screw. Porch painted red with white columns, floor tiles. And it 'the place more' economical, according to the guide. But who cares if there 'a bath in the room: we are happy if there is risk of spina his buttocks with the cactus when you get up at night!

Now we're back in a more 'close to where we started. We're still metabolizing everything that we've been, but we feel that we have so much to tell you, when we return.



Thursday, August 14, 2008

Lettering Generator Tattoos

Greetings you all users of the Po Piero blog

It seems that the Puna argentina not let him go by using vile tricks, such as cough and flu symptoms for me personally or intestinal virulent attacks for Henry.
Anyway tomorrow we should deal with the step that will make us' get off permanently from the plateau. It 's a symbolic moment of the trip, a chance to think about what we have done until now ....

The sense of adventure, wonder at the landscapes and dreams in which you Pesso svcivola after hours of cycling in the desert were the main components of the trip. What 's left in one dimension and poorly defined' "character" of this people of the border. I think the

Mexicans claim and glorify their origins at every opportunity, or Bolivians in a few days gave me a feeling, even of diversity 'to me, very clear: I do not find something similar in the people I met here.

I realized that I was wrong when Henry street I read a quote from a Hudson

"Who runs the wilderness finds himself in a quiet primitive (note also the more 'naive savages), and that' perhaps the same thing as the peace of God "

I think I would have to travel at least ten consecutive deserts before reaching qulcosa similar, but the expressions, movements and how to communicate something about the Indians very similar to a "quiet early."

Cosi 'you happen to meet a man who, in the middle of a salt lake, with a blinding glare and an incredible wind, with an ax splits the salt with a look relaxed and happy. Or the rubber
holes in the middle of nowhere in the middle of which there is a mud hut of a farmer who cultivates a land full of salt and fruitless. You stop, he gives a hand to repair the bike and see how your being angry for a tire becomes ridiculous in front of his disarming lightness.
Since I'm here I have not heard a scream, a loud or irritated.

Maybe this a highly distinctive and has the people and 'the extraordinary resemblance the land of which 'discrete host and I like to think that while I was amazed by the beauty that surrounded me I was also amazed by his people.


PS I feel excluded from this characterization romntica the kids, as I write, are playing an online war game and make a decent casino.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Women's Girdles 1910 Images

Argentina Argentina, Day 21 - PHOTOS

Isla del Pescado, Salar de Uyuni in. Is the most 'impressive that we have visited so far (I think I've talked about, right?)

nun who buys meat at a stall which displays a calendar model in costume, while the butcher with a saw rib to rib cuts. Note the flesh everywhere (even on the floor).

National Fiesta in Bolivia, Tupiza: when we celebrate? On June 2? It does not seem to have seen anything like it, too bad!

border between Bolivia and Argentina: Here goes everything (can not imagine the bags and bags of all shapes and sizes!), But everything 'under control. Result code intemrinabili. Patience.

Here's how to beat the cold in the tent puna : and 'good, right?

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I can not load other photographs. Too bad, there were a couple nice. Will show you 'in person, ok?

dinner I go I have a boundless hunger, as the valleys of the Andes!



Hairless Little Testicles

Argentina , 21 days

What an effort!

Due to lack of maps and inclement weather we had an unexpected night in a tent. At 3500m, this time without any shelter, overlooking Salinas Grandes. However, there 's been good: no wind and temperatures' endureable This morning there were well-2C in the tent, and when we' happen to wake up well below zero ...

3 days have been fantastic especially in terms of natural landscape. We cycled for 25km on a vast expanse of salt, which seemed to grow more and more 'big as we enter. We saw small villages of three houses, but with well-kept churches. We saw animals, especially birds, and now we are curious to give them a name. We have seen the vegetation change. We also met some tourists and racolto the usual phrases of surprise and encouragement, which are always nice.

Now we are in San Antonio de Los Cobres. The unexpected night in a tent there was a bit 'try: today we had no food, 400ml water and shared in two. No problem: you shake your teeth, and in case of need 'is still some (rare), truck driver ... We are also a bit 'tired above all to the wind (not You can imagine what it's like riding at 8km / h on a perfectly flat surface, especially for morale). Finally, the next step and 'of the Abra Acaya point more' high end of our journey (as well as 'step further' dela high Andes) to 5061m. All this to say that we take another (and '... the second) day of rest. We collect food and water in quantity 'cause then we have one more session a few days "unplugged".

public in the next post some photos with comments, but here I would like to give some news of character cycling, for those who want to make a journey similar to ours, and also to write down observations that could be useful in the future. For others, let him skip past the pictures and everything.

Protect everything 'you can on the bike. There 'nothing that is not exposed to beatings, scratches and distortions. My bike suffered a bad injury to the fork, as well as' various (and deep ...) engraved on the aluminum frame, I miss a radius of the rear wheel, I twisted the steel frame of the handlebar bag and (today) I broke the lock of one of the bags that seemed indestructible. The bike Damiano and if the 'seen worse and has a deep blow to the frame, the more' different milling on aluminum components (fork and brake calipers). The problem with most 'big are transfers (by bus or plane), but also in normal spills occur very frequently (for the wind, the sand or fatigue).

use inner tubes with valve "queen" (so 'do not lose the cap), but to bring an adapter to inflate them with cars and motorcycles from the nozzle: and' much more 'common to find these compressors and nozzles ( If by 'do not bother to take advantage of this convenience'...). Bring tires up to 2.10, 'cause finding inner tubes for tires by 2.25 and' impossible. So far we have washing 5 times (and we're lucky!), But often it was boring "multiple" means the rear wheel goes to ground and the tube is ruined in the most 'points. Some "pinched" due to excessive weight on the rear wheel, but suprattutto bites and cactus thorns. There is no 'structure aramid taking: use protections supplementary items saves a lot of time. Supporting self-amalgamating (air dam, or Parktool) are a boon, but only for the bites and do not work for anything in the cold (not vlcanizzano): Unfortunately, we discovered to our cost!

Put more 'water as possible on the frame (three bottles, if possible 1.5-liter): every bottle of water in the bags and moves dangerously unbalanced in dices, also charges even more' the rear wheel.

door apart and grease and oil, a detergent for the dirty grease before lubricating and 'need to clean the chain, crank sprocket and after virtually every stop on sandy roads, to prevent wear and tear to the change. The here we did not find cleaner and have used gasoline, but not good (it 'from the environmental point of view, it' from the mechanical).

disc brakes have been both fantastic downhill on a bike with wheels and providential charge no more 'Guaranteed straight, but a pain to maintain, especially those with automatic Damiano: A minimum runout of the disc and ride just to overcome the friction of the pads. So, better disc brakes with manual adjustment. No plumbing problems.

Lock the seat permanently: every two hours on the famous serruccio spaccachiappe and 'to raise again the seat of 5mm. It is not 'just tighten the quick release, even using the hex wrench. A hole in the frame and on ...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Baixar Driver Slimtype Gratuito Em Portugues

Argentina, Day 18 - PHOTOS

first read the previous post!

I can also comment on the photos, the better.

religious fervor, the mountains!

Flamingos near Abra Pampa.

serruccio sapccachiappe After 50km, we finally arrive.

Sunset on the plains in front of the Laguna de Pozuelos

Sunset on the plains in front of the Laguna de Pozuelos

tent in the evening. Temperature rated-12C outside. Internal temperature measured 2C. Note the front and the peas with the mortadella. Gloss over the fact that the clothes that we carry are the same for cycling, for the past several days ...

Vigongna! Picture taken with all the optical and digital zoom that we have. More 'so close to' you can not 'and all show your ass' cause escape.

A blade. They are more 'curious and friendly. Minimum distance say 50 meters.

And these are only pictures taken in past 2 days (I left them in the other room, sorry ...).



Cartier Pave Trinity Type

Argentina, Argentina


many comments and emails! I regret not being able to reply to all, but I assure you I read everything and everything that makes me very happy. And how many surprises!

not remember who suggested a possible variation of our journey with the Breva. Mmmm ... Whereas we have cycled the last 300km on that in a meeting with Marian and Agnes and 'was prosaically called "serruccio spaccachiappe, some would see the' impossible. But, guess what '? Tonight, asleep in our own a hotel on the Dutch 35 years and that is' made from Alaska to Ushuaia with a Moto Guzzi V7 of the 70 or so. It took 3 years (and if the 'comfortable grip!). And now he is coming back. When she heard that we take the ruta 40 (arriving in Ushuaia, in 5500km)'s eyes lit up. We had to explain that we stopped in little more 'than 800km ...

And now 'I see you turn up your nose, above all Simon, the hotel? Well, there are 3 days wash. The only things hot and we ate there we cooked the us (and now we are running out of gas ...). We stayed in bed recesses, in a tent in a local hostel that was unusable and did not want let us in, but when we explained that pitch a tent in the street, have sold.

We suffered a bit 'hunger (but just a little'!). And tonight we finally grant you a real dinner. I'm excited and I can not think of anything else. About the Milanese in gattacapa comment: there is not a 'matter of being vegetarian or carnivorous, but to eat or not. Here you eat what there ': the kind that comidor you say, "Tonight there's' chicken soup." Point. And you say, "Well! I had really wanted." And I challenge anyone to cook a vegetable soup on the stove in a tent with propane / butane! By the way, here there are no beans, and we do not understand why '.

As you may have guessed from the preceding paragraph, the journey is rising to the top. Beautiful places, more and more 'wild. We have seen hundreds of vicuña (for Louis to caress you say, but what we saw we did not even allow themselves to photograph within 200 meters: how do you?). We saw the flamingos (for me and 'the first time!). We saw birds of all kinds, many birds of prey that can not distinguish, but as soon as I return to Buenos Aires or Mendoza I lock myself in the library one afternoon and I do a culture on the Andean flora and fauna. We have seen animals that appear to our marmots, but much more 'small and timid. The sunset of yesterday s' was nothing short of emotions, Pozuelos lagoon. We rode another step to 4000m.

This afternoon we came back to Abra Pampa (but not for 9 rue that we followed as we move north, but rather 'a provincial dirt) to supply food, water and subcutaneous fat.

This post 's a bit confused, but they are back in the garage smelling of Abra Pampa (know tonight strongly of diesel ...) with loud music and I am confused thoughts. Also the thought of the impending dinner excites me ...

Here I try to send you some pictures. We hope to do it! Unfortunately I had to wildly lower the resolution (with Paint ...) to be able to send them.
I can not comment on them, take them as they are!
PS: Who says that Damian did not scirve? Damian writes, he writes, but not on the blog! And the only time we tried it and 'collapsed the entire Andean ridge telematics, and so' his first and only post and 'been lost ...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Celebrities Use Driclor

day 18, day 14

I thought we were kidnapped by guerrillas in Bolivia, eh? But no, we are still alive and well, and free to roam on piattisimo salt desert of Uyuni.

Too many things have accumulated in the past four days, from the point of cyclists, tourists and curiosity 'social-ethnographic potervele to tell. So I will limit myself to update you on the events of today or a little more '.

First, we have again a camera (actually two). However I fear that it will 'can post photos until' we remain on Cordillera, which means until 20 August, at least. On the other hand are already 'quite surprised that you can connect to the Internet from almost any place where we went, despite the lack of water (not just the drinking water) and there is no heating. We

to Uyuni, a former mining town, a former railway town, now City 'tour, all built around the executive's tour of the salt desert. For explanations about what is reference to the wikipedia entry:


We came here with a trip to troubled, but beautiful, about 6 hours by bus. We placed in the first hostel we could find: it seemed cute and fairly well organized (and costs 3 € per person per night, being quite expensive). Only the next morning we discovered that the rooms are housed in a warehouse, lifting of drywall partitions. The look and feel 'really nice, except that on the night the temperature in the room and' down to 3 º C. It would not be a problem, if one expects it. So today we bought two blankets, hat and socks.

breakfast this morning and 'however was good and plentiful. We toured the streets of the town, but 'has nothing to say. It 's a stretch of cuadra, all the same. We also visited the station, because here goes one of the most railways' highest in the world. Because of a strike, however, 'the railway' locked. Too bad 'cause we were hoping to avoid a return trip by bus, by train REPLACING.

We then left for a tour by jeep in the Salar. You ', this goes a bit' against the ethics of travel and neither is close to genius in the car for a day. Unfortunately, however, 'is the only chance' to visit this wonderful place, and at the end do not be sorry.

The tour begins with a visit to the train cemetery, where they have accumulated a quantity 'amazing locomotives that were providing service on the line joining Uyuni to Chile, founded in 1845. The locomotives have been partially removed, lacking all rods and cylinders, and the boilers are been emptied from the tube bundles, perhaps to recover valuable steel. Ok, that's 'some consideration' by engineers. The locomotives, exposed to wind and high concentration of salt have been completely eroded, taking strange shapes, twisted. By adding the white border on one side of the expanse of salt, and the mountains on the other hand, the place becomes surreal, a set which I'd love to Simon: I will show 'pictures to return and if you need an escort to bring here some models, I am available (no Damiano ...).

Then there were a couple of steps aimed at Western tourists spiumaggio: we knew that would not be missed, so we digertie patiently. We have taken to a village where they sold artesania s that we feel were made in China, also because 'the same as those we have seen the market in Tupiza and Uyuni ... however, we saw a few minutes of a football match played on sand with two local teams. Then we went to hotel rooms, which reminded me a lot of the Ice Hotel in Sweden. Belline statues of salt (with blade, sphinx, the miners of salt), but the structure under construction was a bit 'out of tune compared to the pure white surroundings.

Finl we headed to 'Isla del pescado and this will prove' the highlight of the day. A 50-60 meter hill that rises on the white expanse surroundings. It seems indeed an island and, arrvandoci off-road, it's like entering a port. The island is home to lots of cactus, as high as 9 meters, and up to 1200 years old. E 'kept very well, very clean and this pleases us, because of all the nearby places of interest so far we have found large expanses of plastic bags and bottles. It 's a bit sad, but knowing the problems they have here, and' too hard to make it a sin to someone if you do not have water at home, do not you worry about where does the plastic bag that you throw on the floor .. . However

sensation and 'to be suspended in the clouds. The dazzling white that stretches for hundreds of kilometers linear (or tens of thousands of miles square, if you prefer ...) has the ability 'to send you into a trance. The mountains on the horizon mirages that are suspended, the play of light and shadow created by the grotesque shapes of the volcanic rock of the island, the silence (even the hum of the terrain is lost in this immensity '), supporting you in a' other dimension. You drain the mind. At least I have this effect. The

chofer prepares us for a lunch with Milan (sara 'the 20th since we are here, but' good) plain pasta (which we use as bread) and vegetables. So 'we talk with our fellow tour: a Swedish couple in less than two months has shot almost all the states of South America, two Irish girls and an English girl and that 'the road for almost seven months, and now about to return home. All arriving by bus directly from La Paz, and leave today. We understand that our journey and 'completely different from their own. The bicycle allows you to have a knowledge of the territory and situations. At first glance it seems that they are collecting beautiful casrtoline from exotic places, but without having the frame. On the contrary one might think that we're focusing a bit 'too much on the frame, making 6-hour bicycle to visit a city' in 1 hour. In reality 'of our journey and the beautiful' own time spent in the saddle, and we have realized today, feeling a desire to start pedaling.

E, if we had a little 'more' time ... the crossing of the salar cycling was a great undertaking ... there remains in mind for some future trip!

returning from 'Isla del pescado we stopped at a Ojo del Salar, a rift in the crust of salt springs where water and gas (oxygen according to the guide, but all our knowledge geomorphological not allow us to believe We do not know that gas is).

Returning to Uyuni at sunset, it seems a bit 'more' of what is beautiful '. We welcome our fellow travelers and make a tour of the city '.

The covered market and 'a punch in the stomach. And I say this having in mind the Chinese markets, Poles and Malaysian. Pets squoiati and piled on the floor. Heads with bulging eyes staring at you, hanging quarters and covered with rags. I am convinced that the smell is bearable only due to the cold. The side with the spices and fruits and vegetables and 'rather more' accessible to our eyes of westerners, colorful and slightly aromatic.

Now we're ready to go to dinner, since yesterday we have sold in the warmth of a small fire and we had dinner in a local tourism far, tonight we typically place a Bolivian, following locals.

Greetings to all,


Friday, August 1, 2008

Authentic 8ball Leather Jackets

Argentina, Argentina

Preface: Sorry for the brevity ', any typos and
rambling sentences, but they are in a smelly garage music
argentina ball. I also like the place 'cause there are a lot of
local boys, but not exactly according to the concentration
the story ...

We did it!

Yesterday we passed the Abra del Condor in 4000 with only 3 hours and 40
ride uphill! Now that we have done I would say that it was
nothing really hard. And at the same time, after the experience of
today that I will go 'to tell you briefly, do the following

Fatigue and 'a means to achieve satisfaction and knowledge of
own limits and the surrounding environment. The bike in this sense and '
half eccezinale that allows you to "get" really
in the landscape and to find points of contact with people who live there. I do not know how many
Hola! and Suerte! we have said in recent days.
And every time we put a foot on the ground to rest, drink, eat, there '
always someone who wants to know where we come from we do here, so
. It 's great! Apart from the various waving and exhortations
received during the climb, we also caught two applause: a
a whole bus that has passed down, as we boarded, and the other
a group of Argentines on top of the pass ...

Given our state, many feel they offer us to eat, drink
, tips ... so 'also on top of the pass we dined with empanadas
dell'aplauso offered by Argentine tourists. Fortunately!
Why 'not found' s nothing to eat, and give the bottom of the
risrva of sweets and cereal bars.

The view from the past is' great, but not much different from those in which
now we're getting used to. The real excitement is in the environment, in the boundless
(valleys, mountains), in
power of the elements (sun and wind!), The incredible colors of the rocks
, the charm of the thorny plants that can grow anywhere
(without water and 30C excursions between day and night). E
say that the pair of condors flying over us (whetting her beak ...)
while we go? They are really big and have long fins
flight feathers.

And as we go down, a herd (or flock? Waiting for answers ...) of
vicunas joins us in the race and we cross the street, jumping
agility 'on a rocky terrain and thorny for a man and' almost
impassable. New and strong emotion. Unfortunately

hole once and we have to stop half an hour to fix
rubber. No problem, just that we hoped to arrive at km40
where there is food for lunch time (within 14),
you arrive too late and we eat nuts and candy bars.
Meanwhile, the road becomes more and more 'hard. Yes, a
rail with dirt fords, and hard, but stony, with bikes loaded
and 3500m and 'much more' hard climb continues. And then we are a bit
'Stanchini ... The last few miles before Route 9 (asphalt)
are all mental and head down a ride after another, without
think of anything (or thinking about it all?).

At the junction we find that Abra Pampa, our destination, and '
definitely more' distant than expected (62km would be others).
This situation has' already 'checked more' times: One of the most 'difficult
of this journey and' the lack of precise information on
shares, road types and distances. And it 's useless to ask the local
have no idea of \u200b\u200bthe profile, and give random numbers (Abra Pampa and'
found at altitudes between 4040 and 2700m ...),
distances are given in terms of hours car or bus, and even here, the bike is useless
(by car you go to 80km / h, up hills, but
bike?). The only information, timely and valuable, we
come from Italy, and chat with Mariano Agnese. But
any changes to the route and set 'a leap in the dark.
This situation has two consequences:

1) must always have a supply (of energy or food and water) to face the street or climb
2) and 'all over' adventurous!

In this case we had (as you know) supply of food and water.
So we planted the tent at 3500m, watching a fantastic sunset
to 360 degrees on the mountain range. The pure air, even
a cloud, the wind stops ... An unforgettable spectacle.
Within 30 minutes after sunset, the temperature rose from 25 to 5 degrees
, and the night will go down 'to -5. The fresh feel in
tent is amply compensated by the spectacular sky
(australe!), and Damian also saw two shooting stars. I do not even
a ... sin 'cause I had a couple of wishes to express! Now I'm definitely

going crazy for the music of Argentina. Then there
greet you and leave you with curiosity 'and how' was the trip of
today. I tell you only that it 'was more' hard yesterday, and at least
equally impressive. We are in Abra Pampa, and the country seems
as a possible human outpost on the surface of the moon ...



PS: Tomorrow we arrive at the border ... maybe ... if you will want to Aeolus' ...

PS2: the camera and 'lost. I repeat. The machine
camera there 'more'. Do not despair, we clearly