Friday, August 1, 2008

Authentic 8ball Leather Jackets

Argentina, Argentina

Preface: Sorry for the brevity ', any typos and
rambling sentences, but they are in a smelly garage music
argentina ball. I also like the place 'cause there are a lot of
local boys, but not exactly according to the concentration
the story ...

We did it!

Yesterday we passed the Abra del Condor in 4000 with only 3 hours and 40
ride uphill! Now that we have done I would say that it was
nothing really hard. And at the same time, after the experience of
today that I will go 'to tell you briefly, do the following

Fatigue and 'a means to achieve satisfaction and knowledge of
own limits and the surrounding environment. The bike in this sense and '
half eccezinale that allows you to "get" really
in the landscape and to find points of contact with people who live there. I do not know how many
Hola! and Suerte! we have said in recent days.
And every time we put a foot on the ground to rest, drink, eat, there '
always someone who wants to know where we come from we do here, so
. It 's great! Apart from the various waving and exhortations
received during the climb, we also caught two applause: a
a whole bus that has passed down, as we boarded, and the other
a group of Argentines on top of the pass ...

Given our state, many feel they offer us to eat, drink
, tips ... so 'also on top of the pass we dined with empanadas
dell'aplauso offered by Argentine tourists. Fortunately!
Why 'not found' s nothing to eat, and give the bottom of the
risrva of sweets and cereal bars.

The view from the past is' great, but not much different from those in which
now we're getting used to. The real excitement is in the environment, in the boundless
(valleys, mountains), in
power of the elements (sun and wind!), The incredible colors of the rocks
, the charm of the thorny plants that can grow anywhere
(without water and 30C excursions between day and night). E
say that the pair of condors flying over us (whetting her beak ...)
while we go? They are really big and have long fins
flight feathers.

And as we go down, a herd (or flock? Waiting for answers ...) of
vicunas joins us in the race and we cross the street, jumping
agility 'on a rocky terrain and thorny for a man and' almost
impassable. New and strong emotion. Unfortunately

hole once and we have to stop half an hour to fix
rubber. No problem, just that we hoped to arrive at km40
where there is food for lunch time (within 14),
you arrive too late and we eat nuts and candy bars.
Meanwhile, the road becomes more and more 'hard. Yes, a
rail with dirt fords, and hard, but stony, with bikes loaded
and 3500m and 'much more' hard climb continues. And then we are a bit
'Stanchini ... The last few miles before Route 9 (asphalt)
are all mental and head down a ride after another, without
think of anything (or thinking about it all?).

At the junction we find that Abra Pampa, our destination, and '
definitely more' distant than expected (62km would be others).
This situation has' already 'checked more' times: One of the most 'difficult
of this journey and' the lack of precise information on
shares, road types and distances. And it 's useless to ask the local
have no idea of \u200b\u200bthe profile, and give random numbers (Abra Pampa and'
found at altitudes between 4040 and 2700m ...),
distances are given in terms of hours car or bus, and even here, the bike is useless
(by car you go to 80km / h, up hills, but
bike?). The only information, timely and valuable, we
come from Italy, and chat with Mariano Agnese. But
any changes to the route and set 'a leap in the dark.
This situation has two consequences:

1) must always have a supply (of energy or food and water) to face the street or climb
2) and 'all over' adventurous!

In this case we had (as you know) supply of food and water.
So we planted the tent at 3500m, watching a fantastic sunset
to 360 degrees on the mountain range. The pure air, even
a cloud, the wind stops ... An unforgettable spectacle.
Within 30 minutes after sunset, the temperature rose from 25 to 5 degrees
, and the night will go down 'to -5. The fresh feel in
tent is amply compensated by the spectacular sky
(australe!), and Damian also saw two shooting stars. I do not even
a ... sin 'cause I had a couple of wishes to express! Now I'm definitely

going crazy for the music of Argentina. Then there
greet you and leave you with curiosity 'and how' was the trip of
today. I tell you only that it 'was more' hard yesterday, and at least
equally impressive. We are in Abra Pampa, and the country seems
as a possible human outpost on the surface of the moon ...



PS: Tomorrow we arrive at the border ... maybe ... if you will want to Aeolus' ...

PS2: the camera and 'lost. I repeat. The machine
camera there 'more'. Do not despair, we clearly


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