Saturday, August 9, 2008

Cartier Pave Trinity Type

Argentina, Argentina


many comments and emails! I regret not being able to reply to all, but I assure you I read everything and everything that makes me very happy. And how many surprises!

not remember who suggested a possible variation of our journey with the Breva. Mmmm ... Whereas we have cycled the last 300km on that in a meeting with Marian and Agnes and 'was prosaically called "serruccio spaccachiappe, some would see the' impossible. But, guess what '? Tonight, asleep in our own a hotel on the Dutch 35 years and that is' made from Alaska to Ushuaia with a Moto Guzzi V7 of the 70 or so. It took 3 years (and if the 'comfortable grip!). And now he is coming back. When she heard that we take the ruta 40 (arriving in Ushuaia, in 5500km)'s eyes lit up. We had to explain that we stopped in little more 'than 800km ...

And now 'I see you turn up your nose, above all Simon, the hotel? Well, there are 3 days wash. The only things hot and we ate there we cooked the us (and now we are running out of gas ...). We stayed in bed recesses, in a tent in a local hostel that was unusable and did not want let us in, but when we explained that pitch a tent in the street, have sold.

We suffered a bit 'hunger (but just a little'!). And tonight we finally grant you a real dinner. I'm excited and I can not think of anything else. About the Milanese in gattacapa comment: there is not a 'matter of being vegetarian or carnivorous, but to eat or not. Here you eat what there ': the kind that comidor you say, "Tonight there's' chicken soup." Point. And you say, "Well! I had really wanted." And I challenge anyone to cook a vegetable soup on the stove in a tent with propane / butane! By the way, here there are no beans, and we do not understand why '.

As you may have guessed from the preceding paragraph, the journey is rising to the top. Beautiful places, more and more 'wild. We have seen hundreds of vicuña (for Louis to caress you say, but what we saw we did not even allow themselves to photograph within 200 meters: how do you?). We saw the flamingos (for me and 'the first time!). We saw birds of all kinds, many birds of prey that can not distinguish, but as soon as I return to Buenos Aires or Mendoza I lock myself in the library one afternoon and I do a culture on the Andean flora and fauna. We have seen animals that appear to our marmots, but much more 'small and timid. The sunset of yesterday s' was nothing short of emotions, Pozuelos lagoon. We rode another step to 4000m.

This afternoon we came back to Abra Pampa (but not for 9 rue that we followed as we move north, but rather 'a provincial dirt) to supply food, water and subcutaneous fat.

This post 's a bit confused, but they are back in the garage smelling of Abra Pampa (know tonight strongly of diesel ...) with loud music and I am confused thoughts. Also the thought of the impending dinner excites me ...

Here I try to send you some pictures. We hope to do it! Unfortunately I had to wildly lower the resolution (with Paint ...) to be able to send them.
I can not comment on them, take them as they are!
PS: Who says that Damian did not scirve? Damian writes, he writes, but not on the blog! And the only time we tried it and 'collapsed the entire Andean ridge telematics, and so' his first and only post and 'been lost ...


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