Sunday, August 17, 2008

How Do Frankincese Use

day 32, day x +3 (x = 23) days x

Abstract: this photo and 'was chosen almost at random. The camera has flat batteries and there was a download function so only one photo in less than 2 seconds. However, we are Diamono and I (a bit 'tested?) Sull'Abra of ACAYA. There was no one to make us the pictures ...


We Cachi. This 'means that we have "defeated" the ACAYA of Abra, the step "driveway" (quotation marks are obligatory) more' top of South America.

As we learned at our expense, from the beginning of this journey, those are not the numbers that define the difficulty ', it' the satisfaction of the stage. So our feelings have not changed from the cartel on the pass says "only" 4895m, while our altimeter from 'Wikipedia says 4966m and 5061m.

We started early, consistent with the fact that the Sun rises at 8:30 and that before this time the temperature and 'violently bajo zero. The first 15 km of sandy ground with ups and downs have allowed us to assess panoramically traveled all the way in the last stage. Peering were cycling on the left, towards the north, the Salinas Grandes, a white tongue horizon, 60km away, thinly veiled by clouds of humidity 'leggemente moved by the wind. Magical landscape that epitomized the essence of our eyes puna, the plateau. We knew that was the last image that we would stay in this place, 'cause, as well as the abra, we dropped below 3000m, where a straight-back distances, spaces, the size of the elements are also conceivable by the mind of people who were not born on the mountain range.

I'll try 'to tell in pictures what we have experienced, I hope you enjoy some' you too our satisfaction and happiness'.

just left the road to Salta and then take the Ruta 40, we see three dots horizon. There may be a 10km or 50km, we are now aware of how the environment cancel each perspective, taking away the ability 'to judge distances.

"I bike? "" No, I am a bike. "pastors who will go down to S. Antonio. "" But it seems to have a secondary home. "" No, they're too big. "" But ... "

After half an hour we meet with a Japanese family. Mom, Dad 'loaded like a mule with 4 Bags Dick, daughter of the 12 years, and download mtb argentina flag in the wind. barely speak a word of English and English. Enough to tell who left six months ago from Ushuaia, and have just spent the night in tents after have gotten off the pace. We are pleased to have found someone on a bike on our street (and 'only the second time this has happened!), but also disbelief. The girl should not study and how's and' got the idea from Japan to come here? And finally: How did they do?

The next night we reply that has been made to bring in a jeep on top of the pass and are just a fallen bike. But the question that we have really done is ...

Come on.

stretch of sand. If you are 2cm goes. 5 If they are it is hard. But when I'm 15, the rear wheel is going down '. And then goes on foot! With the wind always against. Right that we have so far met with a couple of times a favorable wind, but at least 10 sections of headwind. We found the wind from the north, south and west. Always against. There are still headed east, but I trust that when we do we will also find the wind from the east!

sections of ice. Suggestive the lava encrusted blue opalescent yellowish grass. Ice even on the road with care and balance goes too.

Incredible blacks grim mules grazing at 4500m altitude: Who brought them here? Perhaps because of the altitude acostumbrarli ? Some vicuna which seems a bit 'quiet and curious than we found on the plateau. More

'go up and more' wind 'strong and steady. In the second last bend to 4800m now we have the wind in your face. We can not estimate the rate ', but prevents us from riding. It goes on foot, a breath for every step. Last laps, wind. And so 'we can get a decent pace in the saddle! And this

Sometimes there is' no cheering us or photographs. Only Damiano, I, the bikes, the image of the Madonna (not because''we had the visions, there was a santella ...) and all the puna behind us.

We are physically tired, and after nearly seven hours of cycling, aware that we do not have more 'time. Up to one hour of sun, then 90 minutes before total darkness. And we must get at least 1000m non gelarci your ass last night in a tent.

So we dress up with almost everything we have and we literally throw in the descent on the south side (here and 'what shade). The thermometer says 15 ° C on the northern slope, +3 ยบ C on the south side, high wind and downhill. It's cold. The

descent and 'beautiful, in a valley and' almost a gorge, the road in a thousand coils, which turns on itself in the midst of multi-colored rocks. Vegetation different from the other side, it seems more 'harsh, but more' green. Landslides, bad background, stones that move. Low light, and everything behind. Impossible to assess the obstacles. If holes now ... better not to think ... Lama grazing, what happened here, and their fleece 'apparently more' often than in the Plateau? Again, better not think about it ...

a hut at 4100m shepherds. As usual, mud-brick, thatched roof. Well I pitched my tent here. A dog barks and growls, but there 'no. We look at the dog in the eye and he understands: "caiiii caiiiii ... ..." We enter in the hut.

legs of the blade and dried meat hanging by a thread. Sweet smell of blood. Piles of fleece sheared edge. Pots smoke from the fire. Tableware. Little space, just for two sleeping bags.

"What do we do?" "We get a little ', go!"

go down to the next hut, 3900m. Now it gets dark. Even more 'smaller than the last, but not parts of animals hung on the head. Pitch your tent in some way inside the hut, we throw all that 'we have and we tucked into sleeping bags, so' as we are. We just wake up in the middle of the night to enjoy some tea, do not eat this morning, but stenchezza (and various gastro-intestinal problems that plague both from all day) have the better.

The night will be 'very hot and surprisingly, I take away' even your jacket and gloves!

In the morning you more, with a bunch of biscuits: it seems that the stomachs get better and hunger increases! Difficult to restore order in the chaos that we created yesterday, but little more 'than an hour we were again ready. Let's go, always downhill, and cross two deep fords running his bike with each other on outcropping rocks. If we had to do it last night ... again, better not think about it!

Valley and 'always fantastic. Think of having to ride for less than 60km downhill, and we are excited. We'll find out too late that are 84 km and are not exactly all downhill!

The valley changes, with decreasing altitude. The vegetation becomes more 'green. The valley widens. You can see the willows in corrsipondenza pueblitos of pastors. Idyllic scenery, the valley seems an earthly paradise, and not 'just the contrast with the arid lands from which we come. Inspire peace primitive and timeless. And, finally, and 'a sweet spot. Where to sleep even under a tree (even if it is still a bit 'chilly ...). A river will make it transparent 'company all day, passing the canyon, cross the bridges and we bathe in its water. We stopped to eat at a small shrine excavated in the red rock. We have not met anyone. The wind 'for it. Everything is fine.

There seems to be on the set of the best films wester. Same red rocks, the same horizontal grooves, the same ranks of candelabra cactus.

hole gum at a small school, which is' closed for winter holidays. A lady (maybe a teacher?) And some children, curious, show me where to fill the bottle and slowly make my repairs (and 'the 7 th time). Damiano says.

La Poma appears like a mirage: the small village of white houses with green plants (now look like the beginning of the trip looked catus!). I chase

Damiano, flight. Behind the curve I see him on the straight in front of me. I may have already 'filled the gap? Take 'almost another hour to affaincarlo. Again: here the distances are conceivable. That straight will prove 'almost 15km long.

Payogasta overcome and there seems to be in Franciacorta. Wine road, well kept farms, made of mud, but with colonnades (!!!). Climbers that decorate the entrance of the houses. The very presence of embellishments and 'a new element: "Life here is obviously' more 'sweet, as to allow people even to think about beauty. Flower beds with real grass, watered regularly. Green. Strikes us as seeing a blue spot in a forest in our country.

green parrot to sotrmi, clucking, they get up in the air as we passed. The setting sun.

Damiano hole. 8 th time. There are only 3 km. Ugh. It was a plug 2mm long and wide as a human hair. But that is enough. Repaired the tire we make our entrance to the Cache.

The City 'hits us. Get our eyes, accustomed to dusty villages with mud houses and ruined ... cobbled alleys here, with tall trees, green lawns, white facades ... another world!

And at night? Lighting with halogen lamps, light yellow wrap. There even seems to beam with respect to the pitch dark of the settlements on the puna. How nice!

sleep in an inn with rooms that overlook a patio, where hangs a huge screw. Porch painted red with white columns, floor tiles. And it 'the place more' economical, according to the guide. But who cares if there 'a bath in the room: we are happy if there is risk of spina his buttocks with the cactus when you get up at night!

Now we're back in a more 'close to where we started. We're still metabolizing everything that we've been, but we feel that we have so much to tell you, when we return.




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